Journalism student, writer, social media and aspiring designer.
Get to know more about my work!
Helena Cardoso

Brazilian Journalism Agency (ABJ)
Vertex: Civil Engineering Junior Company
February 2021 - today
August 2022 - January 2023

Radio and podcast scripts
Texts for website
Events direction
Posts, stories and reels production
Growth strategies
MD7 Agency
February 2023 - today
Social Media planning
Magazines layout
Videos editing
Design and social media

Graphic project, layout and
of Talè Mag.
Click to have full
access of the

Graphic project and
layout of Cartas de Deus.
Click to have full access of the magazine!

Graphic project and layout of Feira Vida e Saúde.
Click to have full access of the magazine!

Graphic project
and layout of 21 dias de jejum de Daniel.
Click to have full
access of the magazine!

Civil Engineering and Vertex
Social Media and content production
CAJU - Journalism Academic Center
Posts production
ABJ - Brazilian Journalism Agency
Reels production and edition
Audio and video
Resenha ABJ
Episóde: "Women in education".
Mini documentary SustentabiliArt
Script, presentation, filming, edition and intro.
The project was made in one week, among other products, during the UNASP Communication Journey 2022.
Episode: "Copas do Mundo marcantes".
Ano Zero
Episode: "Bertha Lutz".
Game Club
Art direction, script, presentation, intro and credits.
Informes Newscast
Editor-in-chief and responsible for the news script, art direction and for the switcher.
Academic work of the disciplines "Technical production in telejournalism" and "Writing for audiovisual media", with the aim of "giving a taste" of live broadcasting.
Papo Reto
Script and camera.
Copywriting course

Tools and techniques for copywriters.
Design course
Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign.